Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is anyone still reading this?

Wow, I haven't blogged since OCTOBER?! Doubtful that anyone still reads this, but here is an a recollection written from the depths of the hospital at 4 am!

I rounded on a 76 yr old female this morning who showed up for her EGD and
colonoscopy yesterday a bit delirious so was admitted to us. The bowel
prep might have caused insomnia and dehydration; her head CT
was normal. With a little fluid and rest, she was back ot her effusive

Here is an except of what I understood while she talked for 10-15
solid minutes, all the while holding my hand or wrist:

You are such a young doctor. It is wonderful that you speak two
languages, mi muchachita. My doctora also speaks Spanish but she left
to have her bebita. I brought her baby a present. She has
taken care of me and husband for so long. It's so great that you take
care of people. Do you have children? [No] Oh you are getting married?
That's good because the Biblia says it's not good to be alone and my
son in California had brain cancer. One day, I went to pick him up
from school and some kids were beating him over the head with a sports
trophy. He was confused and went to the hospital. Then years later
they found a cyst or a tumor and operated. He married a crazy lady who
wasn't very good. I told him he should move in with me, but he said
all of his doctors and medical records are in Califonia. It's not good
to be alone, hija. You has to have understanding of your partner. All
men have faults. You have faults too, but it's nice to be together.
You are just so young [kisses my hand]. Bring me a picture from your

(I think I may have missed the message of her story, although I'm fairly
certain she was lucid and any misunderstanding was due to my lack of
geriatric Spanish comprehension. But I'm also fairly certain that
someone got beat up by an athletic trophy.)