Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Mother Load

If you are unsatisfied with the medical attention you have received in prison, should you:
A) send excessive kites, each with more capital letters spelling URGENT and exclamation points that the last
B) write a "grievance" stating your complaint, which must be answered in a meeting with the nurse supervisor
C) have your mother call the warden and threaten that if the warden doesn't call back in 30 minutes, your mother will go to the media

All of the above have happened, and choice C (+/- media or lawyer contact) occurs to a surprising degree. I mean what business does the mother of a 38 year old former methamphetamine user with chronic leg pain have calling the prison medical clinic? I am totally appalled by the number of parent phone calls my boss fields for FULL GROWN INCARCERATED ADULTS. (It's not like the teenagers' parents are calling.) I mean, I know my mom has my back, but if I went to prison, I think I'd have to make my prison bed and lie in it.


  1. yeah but maybe you'd get special permission to have a bottom bunk since you're such a good person :-)

  2. Hum. Your mother doesn't remember you making your bed! :)
