Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bringing it back

I've been inspired lately by the resurrected blogs of my residency pals and my ample free time in Pueblo hotel rooms to bring the Kenya blog back. This time there won't be any accompanying slides shows of cute animals...I work in a prison and cameras aren't allowed. Let me summarize the past few months and then we'll get back to prison.

I finished residency in June and was off all of July. Post graduation, I enjoyed a fabulous cruise with my family to Alaska (complete with several nights in the cruise dance club--Skywalkers--with my sisters, Matt and even Granny!) I also spent a lovely week in Mexico with Alyson (want to try the best guacamole and salsa ever in Puerto Vallarta? look me up...) Finally, I managed to pass the boards, check out some fab hikes with The Hiking Club, and having happy hour prn before starting work as a faculty for my residency in August. When I wasn't fending off the questions of super smart residents, I was tackling items on my Seattle to do list like full moon kayaking, enjoying the Seattle arts scene, and taking a few last laps around Green Lake.

At the end of September, Chelsea, Matt, & I shoved all my worldly possessions into a 6x7x8 "Relocube" and drove to Denver. All that stuff about 300+ days of sunshine is true! I acclimated well to the gray skies and mizzle of Seattle, but the sunny rays sure are nice! No more "I-should-go-outside-since-it's the only-sunny-day-all-week-but-would-rather-sleep-in" Seattle guilt --it's always gloriously sunny in Denver!

October brought a month of unemployment, interviews, and travel while trying to settle in to my new digs. My Seattle treehouse has been replaced with a 3rd floor Congress Park "penthouse" (Being on the 3rd floor and having a dishwasher are the main luxuries...storage and quiet are not the penthouse's forte...I may re-dub it the "Icebox" until my heat is fixed and my Raynaud's improves.) Which about catches us up to the present day: Room 316, La Quinta, Pueblo, CO.

Yes, Pueblo is 2 hrs south of Denver, and I recently moved cross country to be closer to Matt. However, I'm doing locums work (which has the flexibility I wanted), have a 4 day work week, and actually am really enjoying correctional medicine at the women's prison. More to come about life beyond the razor wire fence...just don't bring in a camera or cell phone!

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