Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The week in snaps

This is a nice kite I got in the mail from my friend Molly last week. Much nicer than the prison kites. And this week, we'd have to replace "head" with "lower extremity." People with foot, knee, and hip pain have been limping in all week. So I went on a bit of x-ray binge. After being so conservative with x-ray ordering in my last clinic (since my patients usually were paying for all of their expenses out of pocket), it's nice to have that diagnostic tool it makes me feel like I am "doing something" for their pain other than just ordering ibuprofen, giving them sheets of exercises, and handing them tissues when they are in tears due to pain. Occasionally, the x-rays are actually helpful.

I spend a fair bit of time thinking about freedom since I've been working in a correctional facility. On my way out of work, I walk through the parking lot to my car. Just 50 feet away, the inmates are returning their living units. It kind of amazes me that a simple chain linked fence separates me from all of the prisoners. Not because I feel threatened, but just because of thinking in terms of probability. I often wonder about my chances of being on the other side of that fence.

Working in prison makes me feel very grateful to have a nice family, a good education, and a La Quinta to come home to at night. This month, I have appreciated the fine Christmas decorations in my hotel.

Maybe I should have put up some garland in the prison clinic? One offender told me it was her first Christmas away from her kids, and she cries when she hears Jingle Bells. Some people have "an old number," that is, their department of corrections number has 5 digits instead of 6 and starts in the 50,000's. Some of those folks have spent their lives in and out of prison, while others have been locked up for a long time. One delightfully cheerful and funny patient today told me she been in was diagnosed with hypertension when she got to prison. When I asked her how long she'd be in, she replied 22 years! That's a lot of prison Christmases.

This beautiful tree would have fit right in at my tacky Holiday party last weekend!

Matt and I with our ice sculpture.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I have my Google PW I plan to be a regular commentator on your blog from Pueblo. I'm still getting used to this. My first attempt to post a comment to your blog resulted in me sending an email message to myself. Those kites are nice. Be looking for a blog perhaps this Tuesday doctor daughter.
